Exclusively Forged

Visser + Abbott

Exclusively forged

A project on Innovation through work fusion and virtual collaboration in Contemporary painting

As March 2020 drew to a close and a lockdown was imposed, New Zealanders found themselves in unprecedented times. As solo art practitioners located in separate studios, who for over a decade have forged a friendship and admiration for each other’s work, Visser + Abbott were inspired and enabled by a funding opportunity made possible by Creative New Zealand to explore a new way to collaborate virtually, creating an original and exciting combined physical body of work.

Exclusively forged” is the culmination of this opportunity and the outcome of the project is a new development in Fine Arts practice. By combining two merged styles, Visser + Abbott show that it is possible to extend both the range of works and the audience, invaluable for the survival of independent art studios. This exhibition is aiming to be an inspiration to others to share and collaborate but also demonstrates that despite physical and social isolation, creativity has no borders.

Visser + Abbott gratefully acknowledge the support of Creative New Zealand who made this project possible.