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VISSER+ABBOTT will be exhibiting at Pūmanawa Gallery, The Arts Centre, Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch from Tues April 4 - Sunday April 9, 2023 showing works from their individual studios as well as from their “Exclusively Forged" collaboration. This project was generously supported by Creative New Zealand and explored new ways of collaborating virtually to create an original and exciting combined physical body of work.  

A wide selection of original works, prints and cards will also be available for sale.

On Wednesday April 5th from 1pm - 3pm, visitors are invited to 'Meet the Artists'.


Anne Visser is a contemporary abstract painter. Her strong and colourful compositions often reveal specific details and sketched fragments, frequently from her voyages and life overseas. Intuitive drawings and spontaneous marks are the basis of her paintings, combined with loose bold brushstrokes, which then evolve to highly energetic works.

Suzy Abbott is a botanical artist who is inspired and guided by the traditions of botanical art yet is always striving to find a balance between scientific accuracy and a more contemporary approach, in particular with her use of a large scale format.